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Patty Valentine

The Lady of the Lake

29 West Main Rd

Fredonia (Near Lily Dale)


Phone: 716-708-9507

17th June 2019



My name is Patty Valentine and I am a medium with over twenty years’ experience of USA based Spiritualist movement. I work at fairs, do Gallery work and provide private readings.  I own a retail outlet where other spiritualists come and provide training and circles.  I live ten minutes away from the famed Lily Dale.


In the last year Spirit has arranged for me to be exposed to something I find difficult to put into words. Spiritualism on a scale of activity and power that I had to see to believe!

In the summer of 2018, I was doing a private reading at a Celtic/Scottish Fair.  My assistant came running to let me know there was someone at the stall outside that I had to meet. And wow – I met Marc Stuart – a Scottish Based Medium who had just flown in the previous day from Edinburgh, Scotland’s capital.

It was like being touched with lightening when I met him.


Later in the week he came to Fredonia and attended a Circle I was hosting.  A well-known local N.Y.S. medium was in charge. He simply asked a few direct and basic questions and showed how little we both knew.  He was already well known in Lily Dale and had been coming to the area, off and on, for a few years.  And could not believe that the area that is recognised as the founding home of Modern Mediumship understood so little about how to work for Spirit as he put it to me.

He challenged me to come to Scotland and I did!


He arranged for me and assistant to visit multiple churches, sit in on a couple of circles.  And even for both of us to work on Gallery in a real Spiritual Service. 

Here are a few bullet points that I discovered in that week:


·         Spiritualism is the United Kingdom’s seventh largest listed religion

·         There are literally hundreds of Churches

·         Every community has a local Church

·         Everything is based around training in and through the Churches

·         Medium Training is Church Circle based and there is a

                       methodology carried out and followed

·         The spiritual energy in a church service is overwhelming

·         The very culture is summed up in the words – We Work for Spirit


It is not that we in the USA do not do our best.  Without the infrastructure behind

us we have in many cases lost out way.  There are Churches in the USA, but they ar

e so few and far between that they are isolated islands unable to do much outside of

their own area. Unable to network and support and teach one another.

If you want to see more about what Marc has to say, this is an address he gave in

Lily Dale itself on the 9th of June 2019:


You are also able to contact Marc directly. He calls himself Just a Scottish Medium, but if you search for him under The Scottish Medium in Google you will find him listed at around 3rd or 4th position. His web sites are:

​     and


You can find him on Skype or Facebook as    justascottishmedium or by phone:  716-406-8773


When I was in Scotland, we came up with the idea of duplicating what Marc had done for myself but on a larger scale.  It takes five years for a Medium like Marc to reach his level through the church training.  We are working with the Dunfermline Spiritualist Church to try to cram as much of this as possible into a month.


This will cover Mediumship, how to set up a Church, and how to run it.  Each church set up will then be allocated a Scottish Church to support you through the process.

Please note for clarity that the training is going to be provided through a dedicated company currently being set up. Dunfermline Church itself is just under a century old, based in the ancient Scottish city of the same name.


The cost of this is going to be $15,000.  But be fully inclusive of all costs.  30 days and nights of intense Spiritual activities in one of the ancient Spiritualist cultures in the world.

Our website for moving forward and keeping up to date is:



    © 2019 by Patty Valentine

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